Our Services
We have come up with new and holistic ideas for the model youth center and the services it has. We have selected some of the crucial components of the Youth Center based on the standard manual and added job creation elements in all of them. Learning from this unique experience we plan to replicate in other youth centers in Addis and throughout the country.

To provide efficient services, we are considering to;

Redesign the center
- Changing the service areas in a youth friendly manner
- Disability inclusive design
- Artistic cultural design elements
- New youth friendly cafes, libraries, recreation centers, health facility
- Addition of job creation service

Improving quality of service
- Implemented updated technology and service mandates
- Youth friendly services
- Expert based training and services

Provide Inclusive Services
- Women friendly environment
- Disability inclusive services
- Diversified services including art, science, humanitarianism

Create a job center

Job Matching
That focuses on creating jobs for the target young people who seek for employment
- leverage public /private employment opportunities
- develop online data base of job seekers and employers
- organize job fairs
- develop an innovative job matching portal and mobile application
- mobile and online based Job matching.

Skills and knowledge
That deals with aligning young people’s skills with existing job opportunities and
- create job information solutions,
- provide carrier guidance solutions,
- provide outcome-based capacity building trainings,
- avail technology solution for job specific skills development,
- avail apprenticeship to work program

Job Incubation
Whereby we will support new startups to grow and small and micro enterprises to thrive through developing their business-related technical skills including business plan writing skills and business management skills, etc.